parcel service to india from uk


Best Courier and Parcel Services to India

Faster and timely parcel and courier services are essential for better productivity. Most of the clients prefer logistic companies that can deliver the parcels or packets to the addresses at affordable prices. There are parcel and courier service companies that offer more value for the money spent by extending extra facilities like collection of the packets and parcels from the sources and door to door delivery at the destinations. However, while selecting a parcel and courier service provider, it is practical to find out as to how much it is going to suit the one’s specific current and future needs.

World Class Logistic Service

Teeparam is a longstanding reliable parcel and courier service provider based at Croydon and Wembley in United Kingdom. The logistic company serves clients across the globe with its highly organized and customer friendly services. As a business and service partner of internationally acclaimed logistic service providers, FedEx and DHL, Teeparam provides world class safe, secure, faster and cost effective parcel and courier services to its clients. Currently as in the past, high volume of cargos destined to India is being handled by the company. Clients prefer to avail its highly rated courier service from UK to India for being professional that meets their basic to special requirements.

For the clients who want to forward document packets or to send parcels to India, the leading logistic service provider has made all arrangements to assist them. Regular and bulk cargo forwarding clients are offered attractive discounts. The parcels and document packets are picked up by the service personnel at the source, if desired for the convenience of the clients.

Fatest Wider Delivery Coverage

The parcel and courier service of the popular logistic company covers all places in India. Using the fastest means the cargos are delivered to the recipients in time and on priority basis. All the parcels and document packets originating from UK for forwarding to India are thoroughly scanned for safety and continuously tracked during transit. The company makes sure that all the cargos sent to India from UK reach the destinations intact without being compromised in anyway.

Parcels and document packets sent to India from UK are assuredly delivered as per the expected schedule. Clients who have sent cargos to India through Teeparam have found its services to be satisfactory and economical. Contact the company for parcel and document packet booking in UK, or to know more about its value added services to India in confidence. As a client friendly cargo company its service personnel are always receptive to the requirements and suggestions of the clients. We would be most happy to provide any information related to our parcel and courier services, if required by the clients helpful to build a mutually beneficial long term business relationship.


  • Flexible timeframe
  • 24*7 tracking till delivery
  • Economic pricing
  • Door to Door service
  • Global courier partners


New Branch

We are expanding to better serve you.

With great pleasure, Teeparam announces the launch of our newest location in East Ham.

318, High Street North, Near Saravana Bhavan, Inside Chennai Stores. E12 6SA
Telephone No: +44 20871 30797