Sea cargo service


Fast Class Cargo Services from UK to Sri Lanka

Cargo services offered by various logistic companies are an important component of societal development as various types of goods are manufactured in locations spread across the globe requiring distribution. These cargos are transported via railroads, motor vehicles, air carriers and cargo ships. The cargos are of different sizes, shapes and weight and hence selection of the mode of transportation is critical. Freight charges and time required for delivery are the other two important factors based on which decisions are made to move the goods of various descriptions to the intended destinations. For transportation of cargos, efficiency in operation is needed without which the very purpose of transfer of the goods is lost.

From UK huge quantities of cargos are dispatched regularly to different countries using the most suitable modes of transportation and as per the needs of the senders and receivers. A large number of cargo transportation companies operate in UK to facilitate cargo forwarding, including Teeparam. The logistic company runs a customized, express and regular, dedicated cargo services to Sri Lanka from UK which is one of its popular flagship ventures.

World Class Cargo forwarding

Teeparam Logistics is an international cargo forwarding company having its headquarters in UK. Since 2009, it has successfully handled scores of cargo forwarding tasks with high level of professionalism. The company is a frontline vendor and is known for its efficiency in this sector of service. With long years of experience in handling light to heavy cargos, the company is in a position to provide safe, sure, timely and cost effective cargo transportation services to different locations. The logistic company has tie up with FedEx and DHL to move and deliver cargos to destinations rapidly. Clients in UK can choose between air freight or sea freight services of the logistic company as per their need.

Diverse Cargo handling

The company accepts all types of cargos for transportation through cargo planes to Sri Lanka and other destinations as well. Clients can have the options of airport to airport forwarding or airport to door delivery. Similarly, the company offers full container load ocean carrier and loose container load ocean carrier services from ports in UK to ports in Sri Lanka. The sea cargos can either be received at the landing port or delivered at specified addresses. Through advanced tracking, cargos in transit are tracked round the clock to ensure that the consignments reach the destinations as scheduled. This information is shared if required by the clients. All formalities and modalities for legal passage of the cargos are taken care of by the company for smooth transit.

Teeparam, offers seasonal and special discounts on the cargo transportation charges from time to time to its regular clients and for bulk cargo forwarding. Clients can book their cargo by contacting the company for onward transportation to Sri Lanka either by air route or sea route for assured delivery in time.


  • Flexible timeframe
  • 24*7 tracking till delivery
  • Economic pricing
  • Door to Door service
  • Global courier partners


New Branch

We are expanding to better serve you.

With great pleasure, Teeparam announces the launch of our newest location in East Ham.

318, High Street North, Near Saravana Bhavan, Inside Chennai Stores. E12 6SA
Telephone No: +44 20871 30797