Top Trends for parcel shipping in 2019
Have you heard of parcel shipping? What is parcel shipping? Parcel shipping or parcel delivery is the delivery of shipping containers, parcels or high-value mail as single shipments. These services are offered by most postal systems, private courier companies or express mail. These are too heavy compared to a normal letter post. While you’re going to avail the service of parcel shipping, you need to consider the following points:
- Safety of your parcel is most vital.
- Choose which documents and items need to be sent through parcel shipping because the damage or loss of documents can be paramount and in some cases, the loss is unrecoverable.
- Be clear about the motive of your availing parcel shipping service
- Check out for the insurance cover
- Check out for the online tracking of your shipment
- Analyze the urgency of your sending the items and documents through parcel shipping
- Never get tapped by cheap rates. Give importance to the standard of service and security of your belongings.
With the digitization of the parcel system and the rise of e-commerce, the demand for parcel service has been raised manifold and the shippers are struggling to secure available capacity and affordable rates. The shippers need to know the top trends for parcel shipping in 2019 so that they can develop their logistics strategies and control the logistics spend. Read the following few trends:
1. Faster and Easier Pickup: Faster and easier pick up, on time or next day delivery will continue to be vital in 2019. The idea is to bring packages closer to consumers and the ultimate delivery destination. Pop-up distribution centers, self-service kiosks, buying online and pick up in-store (BOPIS) delivery options are becoming very important for parcel management.
2. Parcel-the Most-Valuable Part of E-Commerce Shipping: With the rise of the value of parcel logistics, it is getting essential for successful e-commerce practices. As the market is increasingly competitive and the rates are soaring high, the shipper will begin to cut down their price even at the cost of their profitability. That means there will be a trend in 2019 which would revolve around the use of predictive analytics to proactively manage parcel operations throughout the warehouse and the logistics network. The process can be applied to carriers to meet their standards and delivery expectations.
3. More demand for faster delivery: There will be rising demand for faster delivery and consumers will increasingly go for paying a premium for faster delivery. This could one of the significant change in how the carriers and shippers will approach parcel shipping.
4. Use of Big Data Analytics for Customer Awareness: There is a steady increase in logistics costs across the spectrum. This is due to diminished capacity and tightening driver availability. So, the companies are trying to reduce the costs and want to meet the consumer demands by all means. The companies are using big data analytics to understand consumer awareness.
5. Use Self-Service Kiosks by Carriers to Reach More Shippers: Self-service kiosks are used to access parcels. They’re commonly associated with the pickup leg of logistic. The carriers will implement more and more self-service kiosks so that shippers will have the freedom to send packages last-minute and without the delays of manual paperwork.